The Shunammite: A Woman Of Wisdom


And he said to Gehazi his servant, Call this Shunammite. And when he had called her, she stood before him…Behold, thou hast been careful for us with all this care; what is to be done for thee?… And Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no child, and her husband is old…And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son…And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her…” 

2 Kings 4: 12-17 (KJV)

We continue to examine the woman from Shunmen (2 Kings 4). We already established (yesterday) that she possessed godly characteristics, which were exemplary. However, in spite of all the good qualities she possessed and all the kind acts she demonstrated, like every human being, she had a need. Something was missing in her life, but one would not have known from her appearance and general demeanour. Additionally,  she never uttered a word or complained about her situation, especially in the presence of the prophet. She never asked for anything, only kept serving. God, however, knew what was in her heart.

One day, Elisha called her into his presence to bless her. He asked her what he could do on her behalf, and she replied that she was comfortable, suggesting that she did not need anything. After hearing her answer, he directed the question to Gehazi, his servant, who told him the woman had no son and her husband was old. Gehazi expressed the need that never came from the woman’s lips.   

From this account, we learn that even though we may have needs that only God can take care of, we should not appear in public with a sad countenance all the time for others to see. We may have days when we feel down and need encouragement and prayer, but our lives must never become a ‘pity party’ where we appear needy. 

Secondly, sometimes we do not need to state our needs; God knows our hearts and will use someone to speak on our behalf. Let the words from our lips be filled with wisdom, for wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7),  as we do the Master’s will. The Shunammite woman acted and spoke wisely, and God used His servant to prophesy unto her. She then embraced a son at the appropriate time.


Lord, help me be the vessel you want me to be. Help me speak and act wisely daily, especially in the midst of circumstances and situations. Lord, help me remember that You can supply every need, even those we cannot utter to anyone. Thank You for doing what only You can do in my life, in Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Read: Proverbs 2:6; Ephesians 5:15-16 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 47; Luke 18:1-30; Deuteronomy 28:15-68

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